Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Flicker, flicker, flicker...

It's funny, the things that we think will work, that end up not so much...
Like an idea, that takes root in your brain, and works its way through until you manipulate it into being.
Then it sits there, in varying states of being, until it is placed on a backburner...and forgotten...and even discarded.

I have been finding myself thinking a lot, lately.
Trying to find myself, actually. But that's not the finding myself that I HAVE been doing, just the one I'm trying to do.

Heh. That doesn't sound complicated or anything...

A day fades away
Until the night overtakes
And neither will wait.

I don't know how much I'll check this. If I even will again. I guess, for now, this idea shall simmer...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

System failure

Well, trying to post the challenges every day didn't work so well. Hard enough trying to find time to write most days, even worse finding time to post it online.
So, I'll just be keeping track of it myself and unfortunately not sharing it.
I'll probably still post the good ones, though.

Anyway, yesterday was pretty cool- spent the day playing D&D with the monthly group out here at Daina's. Now, we're sitting and relaxing while watching Superbad.

I'm hungry.
And I really want some pizza. Mmmm.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

1/5/08 and game day!

5. Raindrops patter now
And the paths here turn to mud
And I am slowed.

And now to spend the day gaming and relaxing! Mwhaha.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Payday, 1/4/08 and go!

4. Clouds ripple
Across a purpling sky
As the night returns.

So, yay for paychecks with holiday pay!
Now to go get ready for this weekend.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Haiku for 1/3/08

3. Frostbitten, my hands
Scramble to keep in the warmth
That my coat provides.

Ugh. 6 hours of work at Wilson Farms this morning, moving heavy stuff, and now 5 more at Regal standing around selling tickets. *sigh* Can't wait to come home and sleep.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Haiku-a-day begins! 1/1/08 and 1/2/08

1. Winter rages now
Outside the four walls of home
But inside, toasty

I actually did write it yesterday, but forgot to post. Oops.
Anyway, on to today's....

2. On slush I can slip
Here and there, I find my way
To the place I love.

I probably won't write the first for the other challenge, 52 drabble, until this weekend. Workin' all day tomorrow, and Friday night, but I'll be pretty free Saturday and Sunday morning, since I'll be out at Daina's for our game day. Sunday night, however, I'll be driving Karina back to Pittsburgh and driving myself back home. *nods*

Ok, that's all for now. 'night, all!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Game in the new year!

Sittin' around the fireplace,
Rollin' a bunch of dice,
Grin upon my face
Thinkin' 'Gee, this sure is nice.'

Tonight I get to be someone
Other than myself,
Rather than a human having no fun,
But instead I am an elf!

I use my magic missiles
and kill those zombies dead
as the New Year's ball fizzles
and "1,000 Xp!" is said!

Sorry for the terrible poem. I wrote it in approximately a minute.
But yay for playing D&D as we ring in the new year!