Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Flicker, flicker, flicker...

It's funny, the things that we think will work, that end up not so much...
Like an idea, that takes root in your brain, and works its way through until you manipulate it into being.
Then it sits there, in varying states of being, until it is placed on a backburner...and forgotten...and even discarded.

I have been finding myself thinking a lot, lately.
Trying to find myself, actually. But that's not the finding myself that I HAVE been doing, just the one I'm trying to do.

Heh. That doesn't sound complicated or anything...

A day fades away
Until the night overtakes
And neither will wait.

I don't know how much I'll check this. If I even will again. I guess, for now, this idea shall simmer...

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