Monday, December 31, 2007

Game in the new year!

Sittin' around the fireplace,
Rollin' a bunch of dice,
Grin upon my face
Thinkin' 'Gee, this sure is nice.'

Tonight I get to be someone
Other than myself,
Rather than a human having no fun,
But instead I am an elf!

I use my magic missiles
and kill those zombies dead
as the New Year's ball fizzles
and "1,000 Xp!" is said!

Sorry for the terrible poem. I wrote it in approximately a minute.
But yay for playing D&D as we ring in the new year!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

That's right. I game. Do you?

I have a new hat.
It's black, with an old original Nintendo controller on the front.
It tells people three, or if I wear it backwards, four things about me.

1. I like to game.
2. I support Nintendo.
3. I enjoy classical games.
and if backwards,
4. I'll kick your ass. :D

So, yeah, I'll be spending part of my New Year's Eve with my lovely fiance, shopping at a large gaming store called Millenium Games in Rochester. :D Yay!

Other than that, and a little shopping in the morning for Karina, I don't know what we're doing. But I'm sure it'll be fun. It'd be cool to go see Penny Whiskey to ring in the new year. *nods*


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Packers and voting for Dobbs

I worked at Wilson Farms this morning, from 8am until around 1:30pm. Scheduled until 4pm, but I rarely work that late on truck days but that's besides the point.
Truck didn't come in until freakin' 9:03. But also not the point.
Anyway, the truck consists of two parts, for those who've never worked one like this: totes and cases.
Totes are plastic tote containers, with the funny zig-zag opening on top, the one where you have to close both halves of the lid at the same time so the teeth of the opening close properly. These contain, usually, less than the amount that a case of the product holds. For example, you could order a case of ketchup, 12 bottles to a case...or, if you need less, say, 10, they'd put 'em in totes. Thus, that's also what cases are- full boxes of products.
The totes come in three colors- green, which are actually a little smaller than the others, and red and blue. Supposedly, different kinds of products go in different colored totes. I've yet to figure out that part of the system, and I've had 5 months of trucks to try. Again, besides the point.
No, what is the point is that, in all of their infinite wisdom, the packers of these totes help to enlarge the size of the order by increasing the number of totes used. How? Well, some of those totes are amazingly light, because those freakin' packers put ONE or TWO items in a tote. And there's NO reason that these items couldn't have gone in another tote! Plenty of space in other totes.
Oh, and there's also the weird practice that the packers have where they put the little zip-tie-locks on the totes, more or less randomly. I always thought that they were put on the totes that had the tobacco products in them, but apparently not. It's pretty random. Some totes have zipties, some have tobacco, some have both, some have neither. Pretty much whichever totes they feel like.

Sorry, this annoys me. Probably nobody else, too. *shrugs*

So, that little rant aside, I'm watching Man of the Year, starring Robin Williams. It's the second time I've watched it. It amuses me. Funny thing is, I'd totally vote for his character.
I also thought it was interesting that Jon Stewart decided 'to run' for President in this election, too. When I read that, all I could think of was the movie, Robin Williams' character, a news-anchor-comedian, announcing that he was running for President. *shrugs*

And finally, my complete christmas gift list, including (in italics) the things I got myself.
A kilt (from Hot Topic, from my parents)
2 dress shirts
A green bathrobe
4 ties (3 of them handmade by Karina, and geeky!)
4 shirts (one DaVinci Code, too!)
3 puzzles
10 pairs of socks
A M.C. Escher poster
Live Free or Die Hard DVD
An electric blanket (Karina really likes this present :D)
A pair of pajama pants
A webcam (plus one for Karina, for while she's away!)
A small wooden chest
A pair of six-sided dice...balls
A antique set of miniature swords
$65 dollars
and CANDY! :D mwahaha. Chocolately goodness.

Actually, that might not be complete. I think i'm spazzing on a few things. Plus I think there's a few people who haven't given me gifts Mia, Jeff, and Amy, for example.

Mmmk. I think that's it...I'm gonna go watch TV for a while before I have to go to Regal tonight. *rolls eyes* yeah, looking forward to that.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Ravings of a madman

So, yeah, i decided I wanted a new blog for posting about stuff.
Random stuff, most of the time, i think.
Like panthers.

So, I just bought Karina (Kitten) and myself webcams, so that we can see each other while she's away at school in Pittsburgh.
We've been messing with them for a few minutes now. Pretty nifty.

Also, during the next year of 2008, I'm going to try to complete two challenges to kinda keep myself writing for the whole year, something I've kinda missed in the past 4 or 5 months. Anybody else who wants to can also try, of course. I'd be very interested in reading other people's contributions, too!
The two 'challenges' are:
1. The 52 Drabble Challenge- Once a week, all year, write a 100 word drabble. The drabble can be about whatever you want, have whoever you want in it (so brand new, one-time or recurring characters are all ok). Only requirement is that it be only 100 words- no more, no less.
2. The Haiku-a-day Challenge- Once every day, write a haiku. Pretty simple, it is. :D

In both cases, the idea is to write a little each day and each week. Of course, if you miss a day or week, you can always make it up later...or, if you know you'll be busy one week, write two the week before. But, the idea is not to reach the total, but rather, keep yourself writing and the creative juices flowing.

I'll be posting my responses here, which should also help me keep posting here every day, too. Or at least more often.
Let me know if you plan on doing either or both of these challenges, too. I'd like to read them!

Walter (aka CQ)