Friday, December 28, 2007

Ravings of a madman

So, yeah, i decided I wanted a new blog for posting about stuff.
Random stuff, most of the time, i think.
Like panthers.

So, I just bought Karina (Kitten) and myself webcams, so that we can see each other while she's away at school in Pittsburgh.
We've been messing with them for a few minutes now. Pretty nifty.

Also, during the next year of 2008, I'm going to try to complete two challenges to kinda keep myself writing for the whole year, something I've kinda missed in the past 4 or 5 months. Anybody else who wants to can also try, of course. I'd be very interested in reading other people's contributions, too!
The two 'challenges' are:
1. The 52 Drabble Challenge- Once a week, all year, write a 100 word drabble. The drabble can be about whatever you want, have whoever you want in it (so brand new, one-time or recurring characters are all ok). Only requirement is that it be only 100 words- no more, no less.
2. The Haiku-a-day Challenge- Once every day, write a haiku. Pretty simple, it is. :D

In both cases, the idea is to write a little each day and each week. Of course, if you miss a day or week, you can always make it up later...or, if you know you'll be busy one week, write two the week before. But, the idea is not to reach the total, but rather, keep yourself writing and the creative juices flowing.

I'll be posting my responses here, which should also help me keep posting here every day, too. Or at least more often.
Let me know if you plan on doing either or both of these challenges, too. I'd like to read them!

Walter (aka CQ)

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