Sunday, December 30, 2007

That's right. I game. Do you?

I have a new hat.
It's black, with an old original Nintendo controller on the front.
It tells people three, or if I wear it backwards, four things about me.

1. I like to game.
2. I support Nintendo.
3. I enjoy classical games.
and if backwards,
4. I'll kick your ass. :D

So, yeah, I'll be spending part of my New Year's Eve with my lovely fiance, shopping at a large gaming store called Millenium Games in Rochester. :D Yay!

Other than that, and a little shopping in the morning for Karina, I don't know what we're doing. But I'm sure it'll be fun. It'd be cool to go see Penny Whiskey to ring in the new year. *nods*


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heck, YEAH, I game! And I'm PROUD! :-)